Companies of renown

This page covers some of the companies who wouldn't hesitate trusting me with some sample product for reviewing.
It takes some trust and courage to ship free stuff across the globe to some bloke in Denmark, who has nothing to his name, with nothing but hope for a positive review to win.

I think that deserves some kind of thank you, even if the review is not positive and this will be the spot, where a short description of the company and a list of reviewed products will have a safe heaven from the ever changing frontpage of the blog.

The Army Painter

As a Dane, The Army Painter has a special place with me, since the company is danish too.
They specialise in paints, basing material for your basing needs and their trademark product, the Quickshade( a special product for dipping you minis)
They were the first company to send products for review and hence responsible for some of the first reviews on this blog.
They have some great painting guides for using their products and do have some very reasonable prices.

Warpaints and colour primers


 Kromlech is a Polish company specializing in Ork miniatures and convertion bits. Even though the produce some of the best Ork bits out there, they are in no way limited to Orks, but produce some truly stunning miniatures with a wide range of uses.
They have some great prices and have been supportive of this review endeavor hence earning a place amongst the companies of renown:-)

Clanking destroyers